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Learn to Skate USA

start a lifelong passion of skating

We are proud to administer Learn to Skate USA, the only program endorsed by U.S. Figure Skating, USA Hockey, and U.S. Speedskating.
Learn to Skate USA is a progressive curriculum that develops ALL skaters.  
Classes are organized by age specific levels to teach the "fun"damentals of skating.
Classes are run in a series of six week series (summers vary).
We offer classes all year long!
PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE-registration closes the midnight before the start of classes.
Please contact Amy Griffith with any questions -
Upcoming Learn to Skate Series
2025 Winter 1 Series is in session
2025 Winter 2 Series will begin mid-February.  Registration will open 2/14/25

We do our best to keep a 5:1 ratio for our Snowplow 1 classes and 8:1 ratio for our Basic 1 classes.  

Because of our lower student to teacher ratio - classes do close out.  Register early.


2025 Winter Series: 6 weeks -$165
Winter 1 Wednesdays: January 8- February 12
Winter 1 Saturdays: January 11- February 15
Winter 1 TOT Mornings: January 7- February 11
  • weeks of instruction from our professional coaching staff
  • Skates (if needed)
  • 6 public skating passes to be used during the series.  
All tot beginners start with Snowplow 1.  (3-6 years old)
If your child is under 3 years old, private one on one lessons are available.
All youth beginners start with Basic 1 (older 6 year olds - teen)
Older teens and adults start with "Adult Beginner." 
Please contact Amy Griffith if you are unsure of skating level. 

Important information about the program

  • Skaters will be on the ice for 30 minutes of instruction each week
  • There are no makeups for missed classes.
  • Tots in our group classes must be at least 3 years old   
    • (if a parent wishes to put their child on the ice before age 3, private one on one lessons are available- please email
  • HELMETS are mandatory for all Snowplow Skaters & strongly recommended for all beginners.  
  • Skaters must bring their own helmet. Hockey helmets are best, all purpose sports helmets also acceptable.
  • Skaters MUST be registered at least one day before classes begin - WALK-INS will not be accepted.
  • Registered skaters will receive 6 public skating pass credits on their DaySmart account.  Passes are intended to encourage practice during the series and expire at the end of the 6-week series - for help in applying passes to public skating at check out, email Amy
  • Please refrain from talking to coaches and skaters during class time.  
  • Clothing - dress in warm/ moveable layers, gloves, and thin socks that go a few inches above the ankle.
  • Skate rentals are included with registration fee - please choose skates that fit snug to the foot .
  • Participants must register with Learn to Skate USA.   Visit (yearly July 1- June 30)

Please note : There are no makeups for missed classes


Winter 2 registration will open February 12th and start the following week.

Please note we are heading into our busiest months.  Register early.

New participants need to create a Daysmart account prior to registering.  

If registering a child under 18, please create an account for the parent/ guardian first.  Then add the child to the account.

snowplow sam classes

Snowplow 1 is the start for toddlers 3 years old - 6 years old.  Our goal is for the toddlers to get comfortable on the ice with us and have fun.  This is a group class- it is not one to one instruction.  
Once a  toddler has succeeded in Snowplow 1 skills they will be promoted to Snowplow 2 and so on.  Learn to Skate USA is a progressive curriculum that builds on the the previous level.

Snowplow 1 skills Wednesdays: 5:30-6:00pm Saturdays 9:15-9:45am Tuesdays 11-11:30am (3-6 year old toddlers)

Sit and stand up with skates on (off-ice)
Sit and stand up (on ice)
March in place
March forward (8-10 steps)
March, then glide on two feet
Dip in place

Snowplow 2 skills: Tuesdays 11:30-12, Wednesdays: 6:05-6:35pm, or Saturdays 9:50-10:20am

March followed by a long glide
Dip while moving
Backward walking, toes turned inward, shifting weight (4-6 steps)
Backward wiggles (6 in a row)
Forward swizzles (2-3 in a row)
Beginning snowplow stop motion, in place or holding onto barrier
Two-foot hop, in place (optional)

Snowplow 3 skills: Tuesdays 11:30am-12pm; Wednesdays: 5:30-6:00pm; or Saturdays 9:50am-10:20am

Forward skating (8-10 steps)
Forward one-foot glide, one time skaters height (R and L)
Forward swizzles (4-6 in a row)
Backward two-foot glide
Backward swizzles (2-3 in a row)
Moving forward snowplow stop (1 or 2 feet)

Snowplow 4 skills: Tuesdays 11:30am-12pm; Wednesdays: 6:05-6:35pm; or Saturdays 9:15-9:45am

Forward skating
Advanced one-foot glide, two times skater's height
Backward swizzles (4-6 in a row)
Rocking horse - one forward, one backward swizzle, repeat twice
Two-foot turns in place - forward to backward (both directions)
Two-foot hop in place

Wednesday classes are at Hollydell "North" rink  - 150 Holly Dell Dr.

Tuesday morning and Saturday snowplow classes are at the main facility - 601 Holly Dell Dr.  They're in the Gaudreau Rink.

hockey skating skills

For hockey players interested in focusing on improving skating skills such as edge control, stopping, forward and backward crossovers,  forward and backward power skating, overall body control.  Open to future and current players.

Skaters must have completed snowplow 4 or basic 2.  Sticks are not needed.

basic skill classes

Bascic 1 is the start for youth 6 years old - young teens.  
Once the skater has succeeded in Basic 1 skills they will be promoted to Basic 2 and so on.  Learn to Skate USA is a progressive curriculum that builds on the the previous level.

Basic 1 skills- Wednesdays: 6:05-6:35pm, or Saturdays 11:15-11:45am. , Basic 1 for Teens - Wednesdays 7:10-7:40pm

Sit on ice and stand up
March forward across the ice
Forward two-foot glide
Forward swizzles (6-8 in a row)
Backward swizzles (6-8 in a row)
Beginning snowplow stop (on one or two feet)

Basic 2 skills

Scooter pushes (R and L)
Forward one-foot glides (R and L)
Backward two-foot glide, length of skater's height
Rocking horse- one forward swizzle, one backward swizzle (repeat twice)
Backward swizzles (6-8 in a row)
Two-foot turns from forward to backward in place (clockwise and counterclockwise)
Moving snowplow stop

Basic 3 skills

A: Beginning forward stroking showing correct use of blade.
B: Forward half-swizzle pumps on a circle - 6-8 consecutive clockwise and counterclockwise
C: Moving forward to backward two-foot turns on a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise)
D: Beginning backward one-foot glides - focus on balance
E: Backward snowplow stop (R and L)
F: Forward slalom

Basic 4 skills

A: Forward outside edge on a circle (R and L)
B: Forward inside edge on a circle (R and L)
C: Forward crossovers - clockwise and counterclockwise
D: Backward half-swizzle pumps on a circle - 6-8 clockwise and counterclockwise
E: Backward one-foot glides (R and L)
F: Beginning two-foot spin (up to two revolutions)

basic 5 skills

A: Backward outside edge on a circle (R and L)
B: Backward inside edge on a circle (R and L)
C: Backward crossovers - 4-6 clockwise and counterclockwise
D: Forward outside three-turn (R and L)
E: Advanced two-foot spin, min. 4 revolutions
F: Hockey stop - both directions

Basic 6 skills

A: Forward inside open mohawk from a standstill (R to L and L to R)
B: Forward inside three-turn (R and L)
C: Moving backward to forward two-foot turn on a circle - clockwise and counterclockwise
D: Backward stroking
E: Beginning one-foot spin, optional free leg and entry position
F: T-stops (R and L)
G: Bunny Hop
H: Forward spiral on a straight line (R and L)

After the completion of basic 6, skaters can register for pre-free skate.

adult classes

Classes designed for older teens and adults interested in learning and improving skating skills.   

Freestyle classes

Freestyle classes are geared towards skaters who have gone through the basic skill classes 1-6 & Pre-freeskate and wish to continue to learn figure skating skills including jumps, spins, and moves in the field skills.


Pre Freeskate

Skaters registering for Pre-Freeskate class must have completed Basic 1-6
Pre-Freeskate Skills:
A: Backward crossovers to a backward outside edge glide (landing position), clockwise and counterclockwise
B: Backward outside edge to a forward outside edge transition on a circle (R and L)
C: Two forward crossovers into a forward inside mohawk, step down and cross behind, step into one backward crossover and step to a forward inside edge; repeat three times clockwise and counterclockwise
D: One-foot upright spin, optional entry and free-foot position (min. 3 revolutions)
E: Mazurka (R and L)
F: Waltz Jump

private lessons are available from our professional figure skating coaches

Email Amy Griffith with questions regarding private lessons

Hollydell Ice Arena welcomes you to the wonderful world of ice skating.  We are proud to administer Learn to Skate USA, the only program endorsed by U.S. Figure Skating, USA Hockey & US Speedskating.   Whether the goal is to pursue a path in ice hockey, figure skating, or speed skating, every beginner needs strong fundamental skating skills.  Learn to Skate USA is a progressive system that develops skaters so they can confidently advance to more specialized areas of skating (i.e. ice hockey, all disciplines in figure skating, and speed skating).   The curriculum is designed to serve the needs of both the recreational and competitive skater.  Classes are organized by age specific levels and teaches the "fun"-damentals of skating.
Our highly qualified coaching staff is certified "Learn to Skate USA" and "USFS" instructors.  Private lessons are available upon request.
Contact the skating director, Amy Griffith with any questions.


  • Skaters receive 30 minutes of instruction each week for 6 weeks. 
  • If needed, rental skates are provided at no additional cost.
  • Helmets are required for all tots in snowplow sam levels, and highly recommended for all beginners including adults and teens.
  • Helmets are not available to rent.  Please bring your own properly fitted helmet.  An all sports helmet or hockey helmet is recommended.
  • Adults accompanying skaters are NOT permitted on the ice (with or without skates) during instruction.
  • Skaters must attend the class time and day for which they register
  • PLEASE REMEMBER/ WEAR: Helmet, gloves, warm layers of moveable clothing, thin socks that go a few inches above the ankle.


Parent's Guide to Skating - Volume 1

Parent's Guide to Skating - Volume 1

Parent's Guide to Skating - Volume 2

Parent's Guide to Skating - Volume 2